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Partners of Wisconsin Hospitals

Resource Center


The Resource Center is a member benefit for Partners of WHA. It is designed to provide easy access to information that will help your local volunteer organizations thrive. Learn about fundraisers that have worked for other volunteers, how to appropriately manage a gift shop, how to sponsor a community program, how to contact your legislators on important issues and more. The goal of the Resource Center is to link you to the many resources already available so you can better serve your organization, your hospitals and your communities.


                                                                  History of the Partners Resource Center


Some of the materials are available online -- you can go to the Master List from the drop down menu under Resource Center â€‹and click on the links. An inventory of paper materials is available at the link below.  Those items can be viewed at the Wisconsin Hospital Association offices in Fitchburg, WI.

o    Advocacy/Public Policy

​o    Convention Planning

o    Community Health Education

o    Financials/Budgets/Taxes

o    Fundraisers

o    Gift Shop

o    Installation of Officers

o    Introduction to Wisconsin Hospital Association

o    Leadership

o    Motivation

o    Orientation

o    Parliamentary Procedure/By-laws

o    Speakers/Programs

o    Strategic Planning

o    Recruitment


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