During 2021, hospitals were able to come up with creative ways to show their appreciation for their volunteers during National Volunteer Appreciation Week (April).
HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire -
Although it was a cold spring day, the volunteers who did attend enjoyed the friendship and conversation. Each volunteer of the Hospital received a "goodie" bag in recognition of their volunteering.
Black River Memorial Hospital -
In lieu of the normal luncheon, Volunteer Services at Black RiverMemorial found a new way to celebrate. Cindy Clark, Director River Memorial Hospital's Volunteer Services Director, wrote in her email notifying the volunteers of the changes:
"Many volunteers have still been working, either from home or limited areas of the hospital. Your time and efforts are very much appreciated, and you have earned
an award! Your Volunteer Services staff misses you and we want to see your smiling face when you get a special goody bag and award prize."
New officers of The Friends of VMH (Vernon Memorial Healthcare) Viroqua were installed at a membership meeting on October 11th. Pictured (L to R) is: Janelle Cisneros, Secretary; Julie Steiner, President; Linda Wagner, Treasurer; Kathryn Anderson, President-Elect.
2020 February
Gundersen Partners spreading love on Valentine’s Day
During their annual Carnation Sale on Valentine’s Day, Gundersen Partners brightened the day for a couple special groups by donating carnations to residents at Unity House, which is a residential chemical dependency treatment program for men and women; and patients at Gundersen Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit. Pictured from left to right are: volunteers Jane Rada and Linda Arentz along with Tammy Anderson, RN, Unity House clinical manager. The carnation sale is an annual event that supports merit awards for Gundersen teen volunteers.
Ascension Mercy Hospital Volunteers in Oshkosh. Our Children’s Screening Services group does vision testing in the preschools.
2019/2020 Council Board members for HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire
Front: Mary Pengra, DVS, Sharon Schug, Mary Ryberg, Carol Dittmar, Judy Peak
Back: Kathy Herfel, Sandy Gobler, Bill McCullough, Steve Werner and Mary Ann Bowman.
Absent: Cathy Barkovicvh and Mark Richter
Aspirus Grand Rounds - Canine Therapy
Presenter were
Brigitte Vanle- Medical College of WI student, who spoke about her canine therapy research project .
Deb Raatz- behavioral dog trainer. Deb spoke on Foundation Behavioral Training for Therapy Dogs.
Eileen Guthrie, who is an Aspirus Volunteer, gave a history of the program, information on how to become an Aspirus Volunteer with your certified dog, showed pictures of the dogs in action.
GRAND ROUNDS presentation are held monthly at Aspirus and also videotaped to go to all the other Aspirus entities.
The local television station covered the presentation, which spreads the news about Pet Therapy.
2020 January
Ripon Lights of Love
At their Annual Meeting on January 13th, the Flambeau Hospital Auxiliary in Park Fall presented a check for $47,551 to CAO Jim Braun. The donation was for a Mindray portable ultrasound machine.