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In the first in-person convention since the COVID Pandemic hit the US, partners were able to renew friendships, discuss strategies in the new reality, participate in lectures that provided information to improve their lives, and celebrate the undaunted spirit of volunteers!
Helping Hands, Touching Hearts
October 11-13, 2022​
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells
Co-Chairs: Iva Mulhern and Patsy Pippin
Convention Co-chairs
Iva Mulhern and Patsy Pippin
Silent Auction Committee Members
Raffle Committee Members
Workshop Slides
Partners of WHA Board Meeting to Discuss New Challenges and Install New Officers
Newly installed 2023-2024 officers are: Sharon Scott - President, Patsy Pippin - President-Elect, John Tully - Treasurer and Iva Mulhern - Secretary